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1978 v-mate,jackplate?motor?


ok..new to this so bare with me,id like to change from the 85 merc with no trim to a 125 or 150 with trim,how much work is this and can it be done by the home mechanic? do i need a jackplate?and if so what type etc.im looking for speed and smoothe ride(if i can get it)not even sure how fast it is now.now you can say im crazy,but i went from 23-28 ft sea rays to a 15 checkmate,and will be moving up slowly,gotta see what the checkmate craze is all about...any info you guys can provide me bout the mate in the pics would be helpful,i guess i found out its a 1978 vmate 1,like i hope i dont bore or bother anyone with all the questions,but im really interested in the mates,and i dont know what it is but the old vintage ones got to me and i cant get away.ebay mate
ok..new to this so bare with me,id like to change from the 85 merc with no trim to a 125 or 150 with trim,how much work is this and can it be done by the home mechanic? do i need a jackplate?and if so what type etc.im looking for speed and smoothe ride(if i can get it)not even sure how fast it is now.now you can say im crazy,but i went from 23-28 ft sea rays to a 15 checkmate,and will be moving up slowly,gotta see what the checkmate craze is all about...any info you guys can provide me bout the mate in the pics would be helpful,i guess i found out its a 1978 vmate 1,like i hope i dont bore or bother anyone with all the questions,but im really interested in the mates,and i dont know what it is but the old vintage ones got to me and i cant get away.ebay mate
Welcome to the board and the mate craze. A newer 125,135 2.0L v-6 merc would be great on that boat. Not much more weight that what you have. A 5-6" manual plate and a nice laser prop would round out the package well. The install is not a real big deal. You will need a lifting ring from merc and a way to lift it. I believe all the electronic connections are the same and your controller will work. You will need to install a water pressure gauge and a trim switch. Not a bad job at all.