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Jack Plate


New member
I am running a 1984 Eluder powered by a 140 HP Johnson. Top end is 46 mph (GPS). What would be the ideal setback that would increase my top end? What would be the best prop?
I am running a 1984 Eluder powered by a 140 HP Johnson. Top end is 46 mph (GPS). What would be the ideal setback that would increase my top end? What would be the best prop?
Go with as much setback as your steering cables will allow. If you're changing to new dual cable steering, then start with at least 10" of setback.
Welcome to the board JJ.

Glad to see you made it on.
might want to change my cables anyway. my boats hard steering when the motor is trimmed down.
thanks for the responses
Hi JJ,
We handle both several brands of jackplates, and all kinds of steering systems. And we offer discounts to Checkmate board members. Let us know if we can help.