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labbed prop


i used to think that i was smarter than i do right now but this site has taught me some humility ... so i'm gonna need a new prop to go with this new motor . was leaning towards a bravo 1 . so that i am (a) not mailing back and forth all summer. and (b) getting all the performance i can , should i order the standard prop first ? or order the labbed prop first ? i don't have a marina that i can borrow from ? and a related question . is there anyway to reduce prop slippage ? GOT BEADS????
i used to think that i was smarter than i do right now but this site has taught me some humility ... so i'm gonna need a new prop to go with this new motor . was leaning towards a bravo 1 . so that i am (a) not mailing back and forth all summer. and (b) getting all the performance i can , should i order the standard prop first ? or order the labbed prop first ? i don't have a marina that i can borrow from ? and a related question . is there anyway to reduce prop slippage ? GOT BEADS????
A properly labbed prop should be faster and better balanced than the factory prop, but the big question is 'proper'. Prop tweaking is black magic, and not many know how to do it correctly. Good luck!