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Poor Handeling


New member
Hi Guys. I am new to the board and welcoming myself with a question.

I have a 1984 predictor II (custom edition model) with a 115 merc. I have the motor mounted as low as I can and I am running a lsaer II cupped prop. I'm finding that it does not want to turn very well. It seems to roll up onto its side and the prop blows out or the hull just doesnt hook up and it slides. I dont know if this a characteristic of this boat that I learn to live with or is there a way to get the boat to turn better.

any ideas suggestions would be great!

Hi Guys. I am new to the board and welcoming myself with a question.

I have a 1984 predictor II (custom edition model) with a 115 merc. I have the motor mounted as low as I can and I am running a lsaer II cupped prop. I'm finding that it does not want to turn very well. It seems to roll up onto its side and the prop blows out or the hull just doesnt hook up and it slides. I dont know if this a characteristic of this boat that I learn to live with or is there a way to get the boat to turn better.

any ideas suggestions would be great!

Some one will have some help for you, so good luck with your problem. Just wanted to welcome you to the board.
I had a '78 Predictor with an In-Line 140 Merc, it didn't corner worth squat either. You mentioned that the engine was mounted as low on the transom as possible, that will seriously effect your top speed. Do you have power trim ? If so make sure it is all the way down when cornering. You might try playing with props. My boat would do best with a plain stock 19 aluminum Quicksilver for skiing and just general use, now for fun I had a 25 chopper that would basicly only go straight. I had tried different pitch and style props but found the compromise for general use, handeling and speed was never right
Thanks for the help guys. I thought it might just be the boat. I do have a bunch of props that I can try from over the years. I would much rather have the boat turn instead of going fast. I still easily hit 50, 55 if I am feeling really brave and let it ride high.

Thanks again