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Predictor speed increase??


1985 with a 115 Merc with a Michigan Wheel 13 1/4 X 17 aluminum. Thought it was a 19 pitch! Was able to get 46 mph(GPS) @ 5800-5900 rpm. Any thoughts as to the top end with a Michigan Wheel 13 1/4 X 22 Turbo?? Checkmate thought I would be able to pull skiers too. I hope I can pull skiers and keep up with those $#@@# jet skis!!
1985 with a 115 Merc with a Michigan Wheel 13 1/4 X 17 aluminum. Thought it was a 19 pitch! Was able to get 46 mph(GPS) @ 5800-5900 rpm. Any thoughts as to the top end with a Michigan Wheel 13 1/4 X 22 Turbo?? Checkmate thought I would be able to pull skiers too. I hope I can pull skiers and keep up with those $#@@# jet skis!!
Should be a bit better. I don't know if I would go all the way up to 22P. This would put you RPM at 5000. That seems a bit low to me.
I would start at about 19-20 pitch. Also I have ran the turbo prop on my boat and also my buddy's boat. My boat did not like that prop at all. Did not provide enough bow lift and had a crappy hole shot. I would go with the laser 2. They work real well on the smaller mates.
Tri-Hulls have a lot different behavior vs. V hull of the Predictor. hole shots have never been a problem with my mate and I run a 23p.