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Prop blow out

MERC 225

Just finished re-storing my 1979 Entertainer and installed a new 2003 Merc 200 HP to replace my old 1978 200HP.

I am over revving the engine with my custom TURBO 25 pitch but is good for pulling skiers.

I tried a 26 pitch chopper today which has no hole shot. Would barely pull a skier. Mid-range and top End were great.
I blew out in about 20' with it trimmed all the way in pulling a skier. Do you think lowering the set up would help?

Merc 225
Just finished re-storing my 1979 Entertainer and installed a new 2003 Merc 200 HP to replace my old 1978 200HP.

I am over revving the engine with my custom TURBO 25 pitch but is good for pulling skiers.

I tried a 26 pitch chopper today which has no hole shot. Would barely pull a skier. Mid-range and top End were great.
I blew out in about 20' with it trimmed all the way in pulling a skier. Do you think lowering the set up would help?

Merc 225
I had the same trouble when I tryed to run a chopper. I also never had real good luck with a turbo prop. What RPM are you running with the 25p. You may want to try a 26 or 27p laser 2.
Choppers are fast, but they suck for pulling. A good 4 blade will give exelant power and good top end. Remember you cant have the best of both worlds, you need two props one for speed and one for all around use. (or maybe a third for serios power with no speed)
Thanks for the input.
I was turning the 26 chopper @ 5900 RPM's
The TURBO pulls great and runs good on top end but over revs the motor to much.
I am in the process of trying to find a tempest prop.