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prop selection


New member
Awesome site! I have an 87 Starfire 185, 5.7(305 h.p)/cobra.Thru hull, mild mods. Raker 22p, over 6000 rpm, tried a friends sterndriver 23, pulled the r's on top(5400), tabs helped to get on plane, but I had waaaay too much lift, pictures show about 10 inches of ride plate in the water and blowout was a problem. Also, mallory offers a schematic to run a solid state dist with the shift assist module, has anyone tries this with success?
Awesome site! I have an 87 Starfire 185, 5.7(305 h.p)/cobra.Thru hull, mild mods. Raker 22p, over 6000 rpm, tried a friends sterndriver 23, pulled the r's on top(5400), tabs helped to get on plane, but I had waaaay too much lift, pictures show about 10 inches of ride plate in the water and blowout was a problem. Also, mallory offers a schematic to run a solid state dist with the shift assist module, has anyone tries this with success?