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New member
I was fortunate to be able to get a sweet deal on a 2003 merc 225 efi for my 92 starliner. Does anyone have any experience with using a deeper (10-12 inch) bracket? Also is it worth the extra bucks to get a bracket with vertical lift feature?
I was fortunate to be able to get a sweet deal on a 2003 merc 225 efi for my 92 starliner. Does anyone have any experience with using a deeper (10-12 inch) bracket? Also is it worth the extra bucks to get a bracket with vertical lift feature?
10-12" would be about right on the larger hull, most of the 20+ foot mates run well with a longer setback. I would also get one that can be raised. Install a water pressure gauge and jack it up.



1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+ / Sky jacker 6" plate / 25p Laser 2 prop, Currently the boat is undergoing overhaul.
In the March 2000 Hot Boat, John Tiger did a resto on a Starflite which had 7.5" of setback and he was planning to make it 15" until he sold the boat. The weight of the motor and type of prop both have an effect also. I would assume it's better to have too little than too much (especially concerning getting it initially on-plane), so 10-12" would probably be a good amount to try. Just make sure that your transom is sound before adding a lot of setback as it puts more stress on it.

As a side note my Enchanter has 8" and needs more.
Check'd-out-NW are you looking for a lift with a 6", 15" setback, man. or hyd. lift. I like my panther man. jack with a 6" setback, fairly light, and its built very well.Good luck on your search!
Not totally sure that is why i posted the question, another site a guy mentioned going with a bobs machine shop bracket that has 10" setback and 6" of lift. Based on the lack of setup knowledge I want something adjustable.

Where did you get the panther?
I got the panther from the marina I work at, the website to check them out at is, www.panthermarineproducts.com There very well finished, good product! But on the other hand bob's is a nice plate as well, your definately want something adjustable though.
Good luck on your search!
Welcome to the board Rick, its about time you made it.



1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+ / Sky jacker 6" plate / 25p Laser 2 prop, Currently the boat is undergoing overhaul.