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Stainless Steel prop question

I just bought a 14 1/2" raker 22 pitch. It has some leading edge nicks and one spot where i believe it was slightly bent. Is it possible to recondition these props...also how much would this cost. What exactly is labbing a prop and its relative cost? Thanks guys!!!
I just bought a 14 1/2" raker 22 pitch. It has some leading edge nicks and one spot where i believe it was slightly bent. Is it possible to recondition these props...also how much would this cost. What exactly is labbing a prop and its relative cost? Thanks guys!!!
Checkmateohio yes these props are very thick and strong. I know you can send the prop to hydromotive and they will lab finsh and blue print it, plus they will fix the nicks.Its will most likly cost $300-400 to get this done. Good luck.