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Stainless vs. Aluminum Prop.


New member
What is the differance in performance between a stainless prop and an aluminum prop of the same pitch? Stainless is stiffer and will not flex as much so you would expect better take off and top end. How much of a differance is there in take off and top end?

If you hit a rock with a stainless prop could you damage your outdrive?
What is the differance in performance between a stainless prop and an aluminum prop of the same pitch? Stainless is stiffer and will not flex as much so you would expect better take off and top end. How much of a differance is there in take off and top end?

If you hit a rock with a stainless prop could you damage your outdrive?
The differance is just what you discribed. Take off is better, just a lot less flex in the prop so it stays true to pitch. I have hit stuff with the stainless prop, still srews up the prop, same as aluminum. Have yet to tear up the lower unit.



1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+ / Sky jacker 6" plate / 25p Laser 2 prop, Currently the boat is undergoing overhaul.
Go with stainless,besides looking great I believe the blades are thinner also.If you hit a rock with an aluminum prop you'll bend the blade usually so bad that its not servicable.With a stainless there would probably be a nick and the prop would still get you where you have to go.Most stainless props have rubber hubs to absorb the shock of hitting something,unless its on a High horsepower (300hp+) unit.Then its a solid steel hub.The torgue from those engines eventually rips a rubber hub apart as I found out on my boat.What are you running now?


Are we talking about a couple mph more top end? I have a 27 pitch aluminum, which was hard to find. Would there be much of a diferance with a stainless?
Hard to say what the exact improvment would be, I would think it would be a few MPH.
I'll bet you had a heck of a time finding a 27p aluminum prop. i have never see one that big. Very cool.



1975 Checkmate Tri-mate 2, 2.4 200+ / Sky jacker 6" plate / 25p Laser 2 prop, Currently the boat is undergoing overhaul.
Go with the stainless. All around better performance, wont ding up as much or easily. Chances are, if you hit something hard enough to break your drive with a steel prop, you would be breaking it with an aluminum as well. As was said, most steel props would have a break-away rubber hub to save the drive anyway.
If your RPM is right you should go up 1 pitch to a 28. You will see at least a couple of mph increase. It's the cheapest speed you can buy.

Scotty, I need more power!
You can always get a prop labbed too. Even more top end!


Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
revsound, as said by others, go with stainless, If you hit a aluminum it will bend or break with no doubt. Stainless will no doubt give you the fastest speeds, and the most durabilty, but as you said if you hit hard you could damage the drive, but I hit at about 50mph with my old motor and it didn't damage the drive, just the prop, but you could damage the shaft or the carrier.Go with stainless.
If you insure your boat/motor then hitting an underwater obstacle and destroying the drive is no big deal. Wreck it get a new one! A doo run run.............


Checkmates owned: 1995 Pulsare 2100BR/1995 Mercury Promax 225 2.5 EFI. 1995 Persuader 183/4.3 LX V6. 1992 Pulse 171/1992 Mercury XR6 150 hp 2.5 liter.
JW what would hitting an underwater obstacle be cover under....... a no fault case or...... they will most likly give you a hard time getting money out of them. Just wondering if you knew.
Your policy will specifically state underwater obstacle coverage. If you have it on an agreed hull insurance policy your all set minus the deductible. Agreed hull value is the key to boat insurance, otherwise they will kill you with depreciation.

Scotty, I need more power!