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Swim Platform for Convincor 251 Classic

I have a 1999 Convincor Classic with a resin swim platform with a ladder. I was wondering if there was an aluminum platform available through checkmate to put in place of it. I know I could deal through a place like extreme marine but I thought that if Checkmate had one maybe I could use the same brackets and fastners and not have to drill additional holes. If anyone has any help on this topic, please let me know.

Boats - Boats and More Boats
I have a 1999 Convincor Classic with a resin swim platform with a ladder. I was wondering if there was an aluminum platform available through checkmate to put in place of it. I know I could deal through a place like extreme marine but I thought that if Checkmate had one maybe I could use the same brackets and fastners and not have to drill additional holes. If anyone has any help on this topic, please let me know.

Boats - Boats and More Boats
Checkrocket......Extreme Marine is who makes are aluminum platforms so...that would be your best bet! Even if you get one from Extreme you'll most likely have a little repair work to do.