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trim tabs on an 83 enticer


New member
I recently bought a 1983 Enticer 17', and there were trim tab mounts on the transom(the tabs and rams were missing). Since I'm redoing the boat, I took them off. Were these installed as a factory extra? Do I need to put new ones on? The boat is powered by a Johnson 140 HP, which has an aerofoil fin on the cavitation plate. As of yet, I haven't run the boat, so I don't know how it goes through the water. Any info would be helpful....Thunder
I recently bought a 1983 Enticer 17', and there were trim tab mounts on the transom(the tabs and rams were missing). Since I'm redoing the boat, I took them off. Were these installed as a factory extra? Do I need to put new ones on? The boat is powered by a Johnson 140 HP, which has an aerofoil fin on the cavitation plate. As of yet, I haven't run the boat, so I don't know how it goes through the water. Any info would be helpful....Thunder
My mx-15 had trim tabs on it when I first bought it, they didn't do squat to help the boat and they say checkmate on them so I imagine they were on there since the beginning. I put a jackplate on my boat to help smooth out the ride and help the speed. The hyrdofoils help in this same manner but can also slow you down, if you don't mind loosing a little speed just keep it and you should be fine.