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Recent content by corey331

  1. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    I'm game!!!!
  2. corey331


    It's always the first Saturday in October, if it rains, we do it on Sunday. It usually starts around 9-10am, we run for a few hours then there is a big cookout. Its a really good time.
  3. corey331


    1998 253 Convincor, 408ci LSX approx 600hp. Hit my personal best of 77.7mph in October at the Caesar Creek Shootout. Since then I have yanked off the carb and am switching to EFI. I'm pretty confident that I will be able to hit 80mph next year once that's all done.
  4. corey331

    NEED A NEW PROP! Bravo One or Rev 4?

    If you are still thinking about a Rev4, I have one that I am going to want to sell. Its a Merc Racing labbed 23p. Only has about 20 minutes of runtime on it. I bought it to see how it would work on my Convincor. My hull still likes the Bravo better. If you're interested, let me know.
  5. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    If you won't even clean your boat to take "for sale" pics, what kind of care did the boat get the rest of the time?
  6. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    I've known two people with them. They both sold them after not owning them for to long. One of them for sure sold it because of the porpoise.
  7. corey331

    Major Dilemma?

    We wake surf behind our friend's Moomba. They bought a removable ballast bag called "The Fat Sack" to use. It works great and those boats can be had at a very reasonable cost.
  8. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    I'd much rather have your old one.
  9. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    I love that boat!!! I've always liked a solid white boat. And even though I'm sure it's less than the owner paid new, that price shows why the used boat market is still so strong.
  10. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    Looking at the side vents, I'm pretty sure that's a 242.
  11. corey331

    Windshield or windscreen for 2008 Convincor 300

    The windshield for these years boats were really hard to come by even when Checkmate was open in its original location. I have a buddy who has a 300 around that same year and needed parts for his windshield. He reached out to Checkmate and they didn't use Taylormade. I can't remember the name...
  12. corey331

    SCT's 1969 Checkmate V191 Raceboat restoration.

    This thing is just too freaking cool. Great work Shannon!!!
  13. corey331

    Impeller time(maybe)?

    For the price, I change mine every spring. It's cheap insurance that will keep you from having a weekend ruined. I replaced the plastic housing every other year until I broke down and got a stainless housing from Hardin Marine.
  14. corey331

    Even More CL Finds!

    I see this guy is still having all his drinking water trucked in from Flint MI....
  15. corey331

    SCT's 1969 Checkmate V191 Raceboat restoration.

    Boat is looking amazing Shannon!!!!! If you coat that aluminum plate with Sharkhide, ,it will keep that finish for a long time.