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Recent content by Hayabusa

  1. Hayabusa

    2025 2400 BRX Video

    I’m wondering if those large K-Planes are needed to offset the extra weight of the 500 while cruising to counter the inherited porpoising characteristic of the 2400, they sure are big though.
  2. Hayabusa

    2025 2400 BRX Video

    Very nice indeed, I did see peak speed on the dash of 91mph
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  4. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    Hey Chuck, good to hear from you. Yeah I went a bit overboard with my stability/reinforcement 😁 if I would have seen how CheckMate reinforced jjg’s transom I would have gone that route. I think with the 500 hanging off the transom mounted on a hydraulic jack that a bit of weight and balance...
  5. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    Hey Petro, ice melted? How’s she running?
  6. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    Awesome job Mr Petro.
  7. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

  8. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    I hear ya, luckily here for me 93oct is readily available and when I’m at a marina that doesn't carry 93 I’ll get Rec 90 and add Ace’s IV and I’m good to go. When I had the 300 on the back best speed I managed was 78-79, with 400R I topped out barely at 83 with an aft cockpit and bow covers on...
  9. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    I’m still waiting and looking to see if any 24’ BRX owners have gone the 500 route, I was contemplating a 450 or 500 at one point but shied away from the 450 due to reliability concerns and the 500 is out of my budget for now so I went the tune way with my 400R, now it’s like I have a 500 on...
  10. Hayabusa

    2009 Pulsare 2000 BR project

    Yup splash well, boarding areas, edges, etc. are slippery. My Shepherd would have a hard time getting a grip on the step and platform when coming in and out of the water or getting in the boat so i went with EVA foam, the cheap stuff, this stuff is 0 to very low maintenance, fish blood, oil, sun...
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  13. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    I guess old man winter put the brakes on that proyect.
  14. Hayabusa

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    How’s the repower project coming along? Up and running? How she look?
  15. Hayabusa

    Hope to buy a new or used Pulsare 2400 BRX

    If I’m not flying for sure I’ll be there I’ll jot it down in the calendar, i stay at Little Torch Key (mile marker 28) it’s a quick sail to Key West from there with a lot of nice places in between to meet.