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Recent content by PA-Checkmate

  1. PA-Checkmate

    2002 Convincor 496HO

    Time for a BUMP!
  2. PA-Checkmate

    2002 Convincor 496HO

    2002 Checkmate 270 Convincor
  3. PA-Checkmate

    2002 Convincor 496HO

    I'm think of selling since I owned since 2019. 72 this October and need to slow down some I may consider pontoon as partial trade. Located western Pennsylvania near ZIP 15613 Boat docked just off exit PA pike Allegheny Valley - 48 2002 Checkmate Convincor 496HO w/ 335hrs GPS Speedo Fusion...
  4. PA-Checkmate

    1998 Convincor 251 Prop Set up

    I've tried bravo, but like Hydromotive Q4-X which has less than 3 bld props. There's NO 100% fix other than running above the MPH where it porpoises. For my convincor it's about 44mph. How long have you owned it?
  5. PA-Checkmate

    Checkmate Summer 2024

    2002 270/496HO 320hrs.
  6. 1719342633393.jpeg


  7. PA-Checkmate

    Looking for a 2002 270 checkmate brochure

    Looking for a 2002 270 convincor checkmate brochure? thanks
  8. PA-Checkmate

    Looking for propping advice

    vent holes usually are for outboard engines to get engine RPM into power band. really don't need them on IO's because of engine torque. I tried bravo-1 4B and presently running Hydromotive Intimidator quad IV-X per their advise. I tried Bravo-1 and just like the hydromotive better. Give them a...
  9. PA-Checkmate

    Looking for propping advice

    does the prop have vent holes, if so plug them.
  10. PA-Checkmate

    The old Checkmate Factory

    I started another posting something I wondered about... https://checkmate-boats.com/forums/threads/checkmate-baja-connection.36081/
  11. PA-Checkmate

    Checkmate Baja connection...

    What was the connection over the years between them? Did they share any hull molds and which models? History? Tell me more about this venture!
  12. PA-Checkmate

    Convincor 270 handling?

    I owned a stingray 230SX before and it would also bounce under 40.
  13. PA-Checkmate

    Convincor 270 handling?

    I think being deep V doesn't help low speed handling. I don't add trim until above about 40, but if U se tabs I can cruise about 30 and adding trim then helps.
  14. PA-Checkmate

    Convincor 270 handling?

    Yes under about 40 unless I use tabs. without tabs slight steer left and right mostly stops that and doesn't give the hull a chance to start bounce.
  15. PA-Checkmate

    Convincor 270 handling?

    After talking to hydromotive he suggested Hydromotive Quad 4-X prop which I like better than bravo