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Recent content by Pop

  1. Pop

    1976 V-Mate I

    Rhett, my recollection is that it was standard on the V-Mate I in 1976 because I had to specify 'no windshield' when I ordered the boat so that the holes would not be drilled. Good luck with the restoration! Do you have photos posted anywhere?
  2. Pop

    July 2009's Boat of the Month Nominations

    For your consideration... Read the complete post here. Thanks!
  3. Pop

    1976 V-Mate I

    Jeff, weight (and/or balance) on my V-Mate I was never an issue. The 1976 Checkmate V-Mate I had a dry weight of 610 (+/-) pounds and the 1976 Mercury 175 ELPT had a dry weight of 345 (+/-) pounds. I see that the current 175 HP model Mercury outboards weigh more than 400 pounds. Notice in the...
  4. Pop

    June 2009's Boat of the Month Nominations

    For your consideration, my 1976 Checkmate V-Mate I.
  5. Pop

    1976 V-Mate I

    As you may remember, I sold my 1974 Checkmate MX-15 (http://checkmate-boats.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14614) and ordered a 1976 V-Mate I. My wife and I each took a week of vacation and we drove all the way from Texas to the Checkmate factory near Bucyrus, Ohio, to take delivery...
  6. Pop

    1974 MX-15

    The friend I sold it to enjoyed it regularly on Lake Texoma (north of Dallas on the Texas/Oklahoma border) through the time I moved from that area in 1979. It was still 'trouble free and running fast' the last time I saw him and the MX-15.
  7. Pop

    1974 MX-15

    I bought my first Checkmate in 1974 after reading a review of the MX-15 in PowerBoat Magazine. I ordered it from the closest Checkmate dealer to me (in Irving, Texas, a suburb of Dallas) and paid $1450.00 for it with the trailer. It was blue with silver metalflake and I ordered it with just two...