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Recent content by Sandracer799

  1. S

    New Owner of a Pulsare 2400 BR

    This thread has been very informative. Thank you guys for all the information!
  2. S

    New Owner of a Pulsare 2400 BR

    The Chickahominy River mostly, and occasionally Smith Mountain Lake. The previous owner had a decal shop in Michigan do them. Thank you everyone for the welcomes!!! :D
  3. S

    New Owner of a Pulsare 2400 BR

    Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. My name is Josh and I am from Sandston, Va. I recently purchase a Pulsare 2400 BR from KCT11. (Great upstanding guy to deal with!!) I have yet to take it out, it has still been a little chilly here for me. Just curious as to how many other of the...