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February 2007's, Boat of the Month Nominations

Please pick your favourite two pics!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Alrighty gang,

Spring is just around the corner, and in February it will be on our doorstep.

We need two new pics to add to our upcoming Boat of the Month poll for February.

Entering is simple! Just post a picture of your boat in this thread. If you would like to nominate a fellow member's boat, same deal. Just post it in this thread. Towards the middle of the month, we'll hold a mini-vote to find the best two nominations and those two pics will be entered in our official poll.

Here are a few tips for some of our new members.

Winning pics are typically taken of boats in the water. Kind of boat isn't necessarily important. The quality of the picture is. Trailer queens don't usually do very well, but there is the odd exception to the rule.

Good luck everyone and let's see those pics. :)

chris, i couldnt find a place to put my attachment! i sent a photo to you, hope its ok.
Here's my 96 Convincor chris I hope I am doing this rite.

Big Red N.C.


  • AIR PLANE 002.jpg
    AIR PLANE 002.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 42
Heres my old school 76 455 Jetmate no baffles here just pure noise.

Big Red N.C. :lol:


  • 76 Checkmate.jpg
    76 Checkmate.jpg
    39.2 KB · Views: 66
Cool shots. :)

Big Red....you can also load some of those pics up in the gallery and then link to the full size versions if you like. Just go into the gallery and upload the pics to your personal gallery, then navigate until you reach the full size version and the gallery software displays the link code in a box that you can use to post full size pics elsewhere on the board. :)
Chris I sent a picture to a gallery and titled it fast lane. I cant pull it back up. I see you have pics but all the pics have a red X and I cannot veiw them. Even old boat pics have the red X and I can not see them. I am slow learning on a computer. Give me instuctions like I am 6 years old please. Here is the pic I wanted to post.

:brickwall: Gifted with tools not buttons :brickwall:

Big Red N.C.


  • xx 041.jpg
    xx 041.jpg
    114.2 KB · Views: 37
Here's the full size pic from the gallery.

Very nice. :)

Chris I sent a picture to a gallery and titled it fast lane. I cant pull it back up. I see you have pics but all the pics have a red X and I cannot veiw them. Even old boat pics have the red X and I can not see them. I am slow learning on a computer. Give me instuctions like I am 6 years old please. Here is the pic I wanted to post.

:brickwall: Gifted with tools not buttons :brickwall:

Big Red N.C.
Red and everyone, I started a gallery support thread in the board feedback for gallery related questions and issues. If you have a question or problem with respect to the gallery, please post it up in the support thread. :)

It's been said before, but worth saying again.

Nobody does red gel better than Checkmate. :drool:
my photo is smaller??

how come my photo is smaller than it was before?

im gonna try for a full size one?

notice the ufo on top right corner ??
Claupie, you should upload one of those pics to the gallery, and then link to the full size version. ;)

My advice is to pick one to enter, which ever is best. If you enter two, you'll just split your votes up and you'll be less likely to win.

If you need some help on using the gallery, post your question in the gallery support thread in board feedback and I'll help you out. :)