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Longtime member/first time poster


Well, I have been enjoying this site since joining in April 2003 but have never posted and thought it about time I did. I have aquired some great tips, advice and knowledge over the last four years and look forward to enjoying this site for a long time to come. I own a 1988 Convincor 251 and do most of my boating in New Hampshire and Lake Sebago, ME. I am in the process of hopefully my last upgrade for a while to this boat since I purchased it in 2002, installing new motor (new paint, graphics, interior, guages, switches etc. previous). I will post pics as soon as I can get some decent ones and any details if anyone is interested. Glad to be here.

I'm surprised you waited this long to post!?! There are alot of people that can help you here. I have been just a member for just 2 months and I can't believe how much I have already learned! This is a GREAT forum and many thanks to all the people that support this site!!!:bigthumb:
Nice to see you posting lt. :)

And thank you for becoming a supporting member. :)