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253 Interior Pics


I am thinking about getting my interior done from checkmate. Can someone that has recently done a new interior from checkmate send me some pics. I would really appreciate it. They told me that I would have to make some changes in the way that the new interior would look. They no longer use the piping for the edges and the back pad would be done in one piece. Some pics of what they have in mind would be great.

Thanks alliedtf1@comcast.net
I don't mean to hijack a thread, but I just did my interior last year. It was a custom job. I got about 2500.00 in it. How much does a new interior from checkmate go far? I paid someone to do most of mine. I didn't know I could get an interior from checkmate for an old boat! The guy that did mine is a friend of mine and coul use some work in these slow times.


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Good looking interior. I was told 1750 for complete interior from checkmate. Just for the skins.

It looks good...not perfect, but real nice. Most of the wrinkles came out in the sun:irked:. They told me it was a difficult job because of the straight long lines and the rear deck pattern. I drew it all up on paper first. What kind of design would Checkmate give you? Are you capable of putting the 'skins' on yourself?..IDK if I could...probably once I got into it, it wouldn't seem that bad...the last one would probably look better than the first!:lol:
I am thinking about getting my interior done from checkmate. Can someone that has recently done a new interior from checkmate send me some pics. I would really appreciate it. They told me that I would have to make some changes in the way that the new interior would look. They no longer use the piping for the edges and the back pad would be done in one piece. Some pics of what they have in mind would be great.

Thanks alliedtf1@comcast.net

I have a 96 Convincor and I hate that orginal bead its all crooked so thats a big plus not getting that,

But I think the 1 piece rear hatch cover sucks because it flops in the wind unlike the 2 piece like mine came with. Somebody from Checkmate needs to rethink that one. I know its Cheaper going 1 piece but not better.

If thats your red boat in the avatar I think it would looks best with white seats just my opinion. My boat is red with white seats