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Looking for opinions

93 Pulse

New member
I am planning on getting a whole new interior this winter
but after reading some of the excellent resto write ups
I needed to find out how much rot I had - if any- before I pour
time and money into the old girl.

I have tried very hard to keep her dry and when she does get wet
Dry it out promptly.Floor seemed solid but pulled the seat pedestals anyways-nice and solid- caulking had been used on the bolts:)

Now it was time to start drilling holes. Got up close and personal
with bilge area. Port flotation box looked good and passed the "rap"
check. Unforuntly the Starboard one looked suspect so I drilled into the
botom and out came the water:( not a lot but water none the less.

Next I drilled into the "floor" next to the box expecting the worse
but was dry and solid. moving center and down I drilled into the starboard
stringer and it was dry and solid.Also drilled a couple of holes in the transom also dry and solid

So I've been getting water in from the Boot in the splash well.
Bad design!

Heres my questions

1. Should I leave the holes in the bottom of the box as weep holes
or is that inviting more problems

2. What are the chances water has been limited to the box area
or is that just wishful thinking.



  • DSC_0196.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 22
The boxes are a water trap period. I'd either get rid of them or let them drain from somewhere. No way would I seal them off again. The foam itself if likely waterlogged.

Unless I knew it's complete history from new I'd pull out the lifting rings to inspect for any signs of damp wood. Also would pull a couple of the eggbeater mounting bolts and check there as well. Be a good time to re-seal everthing at that time if all was good.

You'll be able to see what your up against in terms of floor/stringers once you pull the carpet out.
Once you get the floor cleaned up any black spots as seen in my resto are the rot begining.
Also more then one Pulse hull has had to have new balsa installed underneath the seat screws due to the factory screws securing the bases being too long.


I wouldn't assume anything either way. I would pull the flotation boxes out and inspect the floor for any damage. Look for the dark spots, as posted above.

I can tell you this- My flotation boxes all had water in them when I did my resto, but my floor, stringers and transom were all solid. I would loose the flotation boxes and get a good inspection on the areas that had water. This will also give you additional storage space:bigthumb:
Thanks gents

I got some good light and was able to poke around some more
and it gave me reason to be hopeful. Wont know the full story
till the carpet comes out and the bench comes out so I can cut
the boxes I love the idea of losing some LBS. in the back.

Thanks again, you guys are awsome!!