A year and a half ago I missed a sale of a gorgeous Allison craft Classic by 45 minutes on Craigslist. Was pissed, very pissed. Not to be destroyed I pannicked and kept looking for it or another. Ran across this 16' Checkmate for FREE. Despite the dead Fox skeleton, his fur, a plant emanating from the cabin floor and 30 or so earthworms, I felt confident this was a good bones boat. A year later I have installed a new subfloor structure and transom core. The transom is now buttoned up and water tight. That was the easy stuff...now the details, powerplant, steering system, max power recommended for this boat when new. My plan is to have a relatively fast boat, no water skiing, no going surfing, just hauling fast on "the great south bay". Can get choppy, its no lake...I have googled everything I can think of and find nothing. So here I am...hope this works.