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1989 Maxxum 229 Restore Progress

So as you guys know I bought my 89 Maxxum last summer, the first picture you see is if her sitting on the beach on the Mighty Miss.
So this past winter decided to send her into the shop for a much deserved buffing, the oxidation was very bad. My boat mechanic found a product that made her shine again (product in pictures). Got her back few weeks ago, still need to wax her and get all the stuff back on. For the last couple weeks I have been working on repainting the windshield framing and getting the windows tinted. Getting the windows tinted was more difficult than I wanted to deal with. So I found a guy who used black vinyl on the outside of the curved corners of the windshield (plastic), black vinyl on the inside of the side glass, and 5% on the front windshield glass. So this past weekend I got the windshield on the boat. Few things went wrong but it turned out good I think. Let me know what you guys think.

http://s1056.photobucket.com/user/jmkinmo1970/slideshow/1989 Checkmate Maxxum