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Aluminum Repair


Well-known member
Not Checkmate related, but I figured I would look for some help.

I have a fairly large dent in the side of my aluminum boat (from the PO). About 1" deep at the deepest point.

This is my kids/dogs boat, so I am not looking to make a show peice, but I would like to get rid of the dent and put a vinyl wrap over the top of it.

I have looked at several options including welding a new "cover plate" on the entire side of the hull. Considering the different types of aluminum used on boats, welding to an unknown grade/type is not appealing to me. I can't get to the inside of the dent, so pounding it out with a dolly is not an option either.

At this point I intend on filling the dent. I have found a bunch of conflicting suggetions on the Internet.

Do any of you guys have experience with Aluminum dent repair?
Here are the filler products that I am currently looking at:





Thanks in advance.
