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Any Michigan events planned for middle of August?


Any Michiganders know of any events planned for mid August? If not, it would be nice to see something get put together. I know some people had 4th of July plans with family or what not, so if there is a weekend and location you have in mind, post it up and lets see if we can't get something going!
Im not sure what area your wanting to hit but we are all booked for Aug. 8-11 at Wolverine Campground lakefront camping lots, Holloway Res. in Genesee Co. This is the weekend the Michigan Hot Boats will be there so we wanted to checkout some fast boats in action. Its about 1900 acres of waterway so plenty room for everyone with a nice beach and several other swimming hang outs. Let me know if another area would work . I always wanted to get a big get together at Higgins Lake Sand Bar Heaven.
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i will be planning our 2nd annual traverse city fun run in the next few days.... lots of nice hardware! it should be the middle to the end of august....I have waited this long to make sure my motor was going to stay together but we are good now:drool: we like to run our boats instead of tying up. the past two weekends we have put over 200 miles on ours:sssh: I will post a new thread when I get the plans sorted out and check the weather:welcome:
Aug. 24th weekend I know I can be there but not sure on the others. Hope to make it this year Ross. Sure is nice up there. Hook us up with some nice T C pics and hows the Convincor running?
Aug. 24th weekend I know I can be there but not sure on the others. Hope to make it this year Ross. Sure is nice up there. Hook us up with some nice T C pics and hows the Convincor running?

boat is running flawless! running a bigger prop for good cruising speeds for the break in period of the motor.... I have only ran it to 4800 with 6hrs on it so far. I might just keep that prop on because I know where it runs and don't care to blow it up again:lol: I like the faster cruising speed as far as we like to go on the weekends;)
I will be down for something for sure. If you do Higgins, just let me know. We will be there every weekend except for Aug 10th and 17th. The traverse run sounds enticing...keep me posted gents!
The Wolverine Campground trip during Hot Boats sounds like a blast. Post up any information or links you can think of, maybe a couple more of us can plan on meeting up there! I am up for T.C. or Higgins most weekends in Aug except Labor day weekend. If you are thinking of an idea in particular, post a thread and we all can pitch in on planning and logistics.
Looking forward to meeting some of you this summer and drooling over some newer Mates.
'88 Spectra 170 Closed Bow Owner here.
Lake Leelanau is a good lake to run on when Lake Michigan gets rough. It has a very nice sandy beach along M22 just outside Leeland. It has several clean camp grounds with ramps and docks. Water is crystal clear. Always fun there all summer long.