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Avatar Sizes


Staff member
I just thought I'd let everyone know I increased the maximum size of the user avatars ever so slightly.

I thought it would make it a little easier to show off your hot boat or whatever else you decide to use as an avatar to express yourself.

As with most things in life, bigger is usually better, but not if you have dialup! So the new size seems like a nice compromise, big enough that you can see the avatar a little better, but small enough that it doesn't take an eternity for dialup members to download.

Let me know what you think.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Very cool! Thanks

Make em as big as you want for us high speed guys. But that won't happen because we probably got a few dial-ups (JW, lol)
I forgot JW was still on dialup.

Geez, where does he live, Canada or something?

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Hey,there is at least one user on dialup in Florida so lets keep it as simple as possible.I am retiring for good the end of this month so the high speed stuff ain't going to be in the budget any time soon.I haven't got the bill for the Merc engine yet so dialup may even have to go.Anybody care to call me daily a let me know whats going on starting next month?Great website,I enjoy it and a lot of good information mixed in with other stuff.
Hmmmm.....dialup internet access or my Merc.....that would be a tough choice.

Hopefully, you'll find a way to afford both Mr. Wick.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!