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Bimini Top


On a 1998 242 Convincor, we would like to and a top. Most likely a bimini, but the problem is storing it. Will it(the supports) fit in the back with the motor? Not worried about keeping rain off, but the hot sun. What brands do you recomened? Thanks, Kevin
On a 1998 242 Convincor, we would like to and a top. Most likely a bimini, but the problem is storing it. Will it(the supports) fit in the back with the motor? Not worried about keeping rain off, but the hot sun. What brands do you recomened? Thanks, Kevin
Check out WEST MARINE.They might have some universal ones you could install.They're on line.
I'd check into a local canvas shop. More than likely the bows used for the bimini top will not store in your engine comparment, but they will fold down nicely and lay in place around the complete cockpit of the boat. Universal ones do work, but they are just that universal. The custom canvas shops will make sure the bows, etc. are right for the boat, and use a high quality canvas such as sunbrella that not only matches your boat, but holds up as well. This attached link is a Bimini top installed with the bows on a Donzi Crossbow Z-33. Rick


A suggestion is the style that looks like a unbrella. it has a pole in the middle and then straps that connect to your cleats. Several of my friends have this style and they work great. I have the style that Rick mention on my 280zt. I wish I had the other style.
1. easier to store
2. no drilling!!!!
I am thinkg about the one that gslinger is talking about. They are 200 bucks through Overton's. That is cheaper than having a bimini made and much easier to store. If you get a bimini made, you have to do more drilling in the boat which I always hate doing or having someone else do.
I just got one for my 240zt its the way to go they work great unless you want to use it under high speeds more than idle maybe a little faster
$200.00 from Barts