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Braving the interior task....


Ok guys, well, I just wanted to let you know that I got so fed up with looking at my crappy, deteriorated interior that I went out and bought a whole dump-load of supplies to reconstruct my interior.

So far I've rebuilt all the seats framing/structure, and have begun on the seat backs and bottoms. The sundeck and side cushions should finish up this weekend as well.

In the spirit of this, I decided that it was time to learn how to do my own upholstering. So I reached a little further into the pocket and bought myself an upholstery grade sewing machine and went to work. Overall, for not knowing the first thing about sewing, or upholstering, I think I did a pretty good job so far.

I'll be sure and pass some pics on to Chris to post up as soon as I get some.

19'7" '87 Checkmate Ambassador - Blue on White.
Make sure you encapslate the wood[fiberglass it] or it will rot out very fast and you'll be doing it again real soon.Hope you have fun with it.
Just my .02

Good Luck with it bro!


Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
I called Checkmate, gave them my serial number, and they made a set of skins. All I had to do was put them on. Everything fit right and if i remember right it was around 750 or so. Definately worth if it you can't make your own!!!