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canvas waterproofing


Well-known member
So a friend of mine used this stuff on his cockpit cover and really talked up how impressive it was. his problem was that his original cockpit cover for his boat (1999 Sea Ray 210) was leaking like a sieve. He bought a gallon of Bass Pro Shops version of canvas waterproofing w/PTEF for $44 (similar to 303 Marine Fabric Guard $77.50). Once it was applied he said it was phenomenal and his cover was like new.

Long story longer, I figured what the hell I should try it. my cover(s) are in good condition and don't leak, but they do get saturated and I couldn't hurt to add a little protection. I used about 3/4 of a gallon on my 235's cockpit cover and let it dry completely in the barn for 2 days. went out yesterday with a glass of water and sure as hell, water ran off as quickly as I put it on! fabric is still soft, looks the same as before, but that stuff works great. I will be interested to see how long it lasts, but I keep my boat indoors most of the time and it only sits outside when we are at the lake for a couple of days. Tip - wear a mask, you don't want to inhale this stuff and apply it outside on a sunny day.

Moral to the story, if you are looking to extend the life of your cover, so far I'm convinced this stuff works great! that friend of mine leaves his outside 100% of the time. He applied to his cover 3 weeks ago and it is still shedding water like the first day. Pretty impressed.

Have a good summer!