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Checkmates FLAW IN VENTS

Big Red

Well-known member
This really bugs the crap out of me. The roof vent in the big mates, Convincors and ZT's. The vent put all the way back towards the cuddy door is useless. Take this from someone that actually uses the bed to sleep in. You need the vent over the bed so you can get air at night. 100% of the time when I sleep on the boat the cuddy door is open. So that means the vent is useless in its location.

If for some reason it can't structurally be put their. I would just leave it off. Because that cheap plastic sun warpping junk your putting on them now is garbage. You need to go back with the glass vents.

Don't mean to sound harsh but its useless in its location.


  • VENT.jpg
    34.5 KB · Views: 56
One above the Porta-Pot would be good.....Then you could check out the scenery while taking care of business.:D
I have no problems with mine, not warping and placed directly above the sleeping area. How can you sleep in the V-berth up front? Everytime I sit up, I hit my head! I save the V-berth for my guests, and fill the couches in for myself. Besides, it is like a queen bed and I don't have to sleep shoulder to shoulder with the wife.
I would agree that for sleeping the vent is not far enough forward. I would have ordered and additional one if I knew.
It bothers my wife more.
Do the side window/vents help at all? Once in a while I kick myself for not doing those.
I would agree that for sleeping the vent is not far enough forward. I would have ordered and additional one if I knew.
It bothers my wife more.
Do the side window/vents help at all? Once in a while I kick myself for not doing those.
I think those side windows look "old", If you are really bothered by the heat, you can find portable a/c units that fit on the hatch holes. I think they cost a lot.
Yeah, you're right about the "old" look. I usually mount a fan below the hatch. It helps quite a bit. I've never felt the need to go as far as A.C.
I have no problems with mine, not warping and placed directly above the sleeping area. How can you sleep in the V-berth up front? Everytime I sit up, I hit my head! I save the V-berth for my guests, and fill the couches in for myself. Besides, it is like a queen bed and I don't have to sleep shoulder to shoulder with the wife.

You don't even need the vent at all because you sleep by the hatch door. I don't have a 300 so sleeping on the bench is not a good idea if I want to walk the next day. You would throw your plastic hatch away if you could see the glass ones they used to use.