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Drive showers???


Well-known member
Just curious what your guys thoughts are about drive showers on a stock setup.
I have a 350 mag with a Bravo drive on my new to me persuader and I'm not sure if I should add one on.
Here is a link to a "no drill" drive shower that looks pretty cool.


Any input is appreciated.
It can not hurt any to have a drive shower especially if you run long distances on plane. Also keeps the drive from getting chaulky from excess heat. The Simrek is a great choice.
The best drive shower money can buy is from ProCharger, it comes with a supercharger!! You just dump the intercooler water on the top of the drive and WALA!!! Drive Shower!!!! Your drive will be cooler and you just might pick up some speed too!!!! However, it is a bit pricier than the other options listed, but hey, when it comes to the life of your drive, isn't it worth the extra money?
Seriously, there is no reason to not have one. Only benefits for an inexpensive part. Even on low HP engines that see constant on-plane cruise speeds, they are extremely beneficial for cooling the upper unit which is out of the water while on plane. If you have white, chalky residue on your upper you need a drive shower! It means it is hot enough to evaporate water leaving calcium deposits behind.
The best drive shower money can buy is from ProCharger, it comes with a supercharger!! You just dump the intercooler water on the top of the drive and WALA!!! Drive Shower!!!! Your drive will be cooler and you just might pick up some speed too!!!! However, it is a bit pricier than the other options listed, but hey, when it comes to the life of your drive, isn't it worth the extra money?

I like the way you think!
Thanks for the input everyone. Looks like a drive shower will be on the short list for things for the boat.
That is if I ever get it back on the water!!!
The best drive shower money can buy is from ProCharger, it comes with a supercharger!! You just dump the intercooler water on the top of the drive and WALA!!! Drive Shower!!!! Your drive will be cooler and you just might pick up some speed too!!!! However, it is a bit pricier than the other options listed, but hey, when it comes to the life of your drive, isn't it worth the extra money?

I think I need a job that pays like yours does!