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Easy pic posting from iPhone/smartphone!!!!

Hey everyone. Just wanted To let you know that I found an app called "Web Albums" on my iPhone that makes it very easy to upload pics into the forum and other forums. Once you create an account(Picasa) You can create albums within the app from your photo library. Once you have them uploaded into the app there is a button that copy's the image link to allow you to paste it I'm our forums image upload window. Just make sure you delete the http:// that is already in the window.

I'm pretty sure this can be accessed from everything else too. As in I can view the albums via iPad,iPhone,Internet,Mac and everything is synced over the server

Hopefully this helps some people that are on here regularly via iPhone/iPad as you know its a major pain uploading pictures otherwise.

Also I am using Atomic web browser. Haven't tried it in safari but I'm sure it should work just as well.
Photobucket for my Android phone automatically uploads any pic I take on my phone. Then a quick album adjustment, and I can paste the link into a post here.
Sounds like the same deal. I Remeber a while back people were always complaining about photobucket deteriorating picture quality and since than I haven't used it and actually forgot about it. I'm assuming that issue has been solved?
Sounds like the same deal. I Remeber a while back people were always complaining about photobucket deteriorating picture quality and since than I haven't used it and actually forgot about it. I'm assuming that issue has been solved?

My images are clear