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How Many Members On This Forum?

The current numbers are always listed in the stats box and that bottom of the board. :)

Thank You

Dear Chris Thank You My Dear Friend for this Great Checkmate Forum. You and Your Moderators
have Done a Great Job over the Years to have 10,358 Members. I am Very Proud to Belong to Such a Great Forum and to have the Pleasure of Knowing All These Great Checkmate Members that Help Each Other Every Day. Best Wishes to All of You and May Your 2012 be the Best Year Yet for You and Your Families. Sammie Action Marine
Hi Ross,

The number on the members list doesn't include some users who are members of certain user-groups, banned as one example. That's why it's a bit lower than what you see on the front page stats box.

I prune the member base of some non-active members once a month or so.

Since the beginning of the forums, we have actually had over 21,000 registrations, but that number would include things like spammer accounts etc.

Dear Chris Thank You My Dear Friend for this Great Checkmate Forum. You and Your Moderators
have Done a Great Job over the Years to have 10,358 Members. I am Very Proud to Belong to Such a Great Forum and to have the Pleasure of Knowing All These Great Checkmate Members that Help Each Other Every Day. Best Wishes to All of You and May Your 2012 be the Best Year Yet for You and Your Families. Sammie Action Marine
Thanks Sammie, I appreciate your VERY kind words. :)

Happy New Years to you and your family as well. :thumb:
