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vinny p.

Active member
I am looking for opinions.. I am currently researching getting rid of those junk Insta-Trim trim tabs that came from the factory. I want a good set of K-Planes. I have nearly decided to go with a set of HP1000 from


The main problem I faced was with the indicators. I don't want to cut up the dash to mount an indicator guage. The smallest guage is by Gaffrig. They sell a mechanical unit that is 3 1/2" x 5". That will not fit in the place of my original round guage that Checkmate put in. There is simply not enough room. So, Dana Marine has set me up with a system that is electric and mechanical. There are cables that mount to the planes which will go to an electric sending unit mounted on the inside of the transom. The sending unit sends a signal to a guage that will fit in the original 2 1/2" hole that is cut out in my dash!! THANK YOU DANA PERFORMANCE MARINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you guys think?? I have not ordered them yet, but I most likely will be very soon.

there is a member named Trim Tabs. I haven't seen him around lately, but I think he manufactures Trim Tabs. Let me see if I can find his email, and I'll drop him a line and see if he can check in.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Vinny I found him. Send me an email and I'll give you his info.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Vinny I sent him an email asking if he could drop by and help you out.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Thats great the way the company did all of that for you... I don't have anything near me so I am left out in the cold. You should get them painted a sweeeeet colour to go with the boat!

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
Thanks for the help..
I am going to have the powder coated blue to match my Checkered Flags on the side of the hull.

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
vinny p & Chris,

I am Thomas and I work for Bennett Marine (Trim Tab & Hatch Lift Manufacturer) in the Client Service department.

It sounds Dana Marine has you set up with a trim tab indicator system that may be manufactured by Trim Master. I cannot be for sure about this, so don't hold me to it since I haven't seen any of the part numbers or equipment. If so, then it uses a cable connected to the trim tab that passes thru the hull. This cable is then connected to the sending unit pull cord. As the trim tab moves down it pulls the cord out of the sending unit, which provides a signal to the gauge to show deflection. I believe I have a jpg of the installation instructions for this and you can contact me at trimtabs@earthlinknet if you would like to see it.

Good luck with your refit and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

MJ Thomas
Bennett Marine, Inc.
Client Services
Tabman is the guy I was looking for Vinny! Thanks for helping out Thomas!

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Since this is tech related, I'm going to send it over to Ask the Experts...

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!

Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!