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Links Page


Staff member
I finally got around to creating a links page. You can access it by clicking the link near the bottom of the forums where it says "links page". It's right below the email links.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
I finally got around to creating a links page. You can access it by clicking the link near the bottom of the forums where it says "links page". It's right below the email links.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Premier Motorsports is located in Shelbyville Michigan, near Gun Lake.
Great Idea for a links page, but it's not as easy to find as you might want?

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax/23" Tempest
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JW:
Great Idea for a links page, but it's not as easy to find as you might want?

1995 2100BR/1995 225 Promax/23" Tempest<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yeah I know. Unfortunately fellas there isn't a great spot near the top of the page to put a link right now. I tried it up there and it was one link there on it's own. So I just added it down at the bottom. As the board grows over time and there are more pages to go to, I will add a drop down menu or something. But it would be silly to have a menu near the top with the three pages we have.

JW, I'll look into the Premier Motorsports one, thanks for pointing that out.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
JW, I added the details to the Premier Motor sports link. Those guys need to work on that website just a little.

You would think your location might be something people might find helpful.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Pride is there, just not links to both locations. If they want both on there, they can pay me.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!