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Logging In Problems


Staff member
From time to time I get emails from members who are either unable, or are having problems logging in. This article details some solutions which will correct the problem.

Browser Problems - UBB.x and OpenTopic
Problem - any one or more of the following:
Users cannot see new content, even after they have just posted it.

Users do not appear to be able to log in.
Cookies do not appear to be set despite the browser being configured to accept them.

Some users report that the light bulbs are not working correctly.
This is most likely caused by the Web Browser drawing pages from either a local disk cache or a cache at the ISP or Firewall level. Windows XP users could also be experiencing trouble with the default "Personal Firewall" sofware. Other such similar "Personal Firewall" software (Zone Alarm Pro for example) could cause similar problems.

Resolution (look for your browser for specific instructions):
Internet Explorer through Version 5 Series:
Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Temporary Internet Files section
Click "Delete Files"
Click "OK"
Note that Microsoft has identified a bug with this version of IE that causes it to ignore cookies set by 'two-letter domains' as noted in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Internet Explorer Does Not Set a Cookie for Two-Letter Domains If you are using Internet Explorer 5 you will need to make the changes outlined in the article if you are having trouble with a two-letter (.cc, .nu, etc.) domain.

Internet Explorer Version 6 Series
Tools -> Internet Options Privacy Tab
Ensure settings are the following:
-> "Medium"
If not - please use the "Restore Defaults" button and try logging in again.
If you are unable to move the Settings down to a level where cookies are allowed please contact your System Administrator for clarifications on local cookie policy within your organization.

Note that Microsoft has identified a bug with this version of Internet Explorer which causes it to ignore cookies set by 'two letter' domains as noted in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article listed above - Internet Explorer 6 Service pack 1 addresses this issue, more detail is available here: How to Obtain the Latest Service Pack for Internet Explorer 6 If you are using Internet Explorer 6 you will need to install SP1 if you are having trouble with a two-letter (.cc, .nu, etc.) domain.

In addition, UBB.x™ & OpenTopic™ applications will be unable to set cookies if they exist within a frameset. Internet Explorer often sees these UBB.x™ & OpenTopic™ cookies as "third party" and will block the cookies.

Select Edit -> Preferences -> Click the '+' next to "Advanced"
Select "Cache"
Menu on the right says "Document in cache is compared to Document on network:"
->"Once Per session"
->"Every time"
Choose "Once Per Session"
Click "OK"

Close down all your Netscape browsers and load a new browser to start a new, clean session and try loggin in again.

Windows XP or Win2k users with "Norton Personal Firewall" software, or similar (adding a trusted site):
Open NIS.
Click Options.
Click Internet Security (or Personal Firewall).
Click Advanced Options.
Click the Web tab.
Click Add Site. A new site/domain box appears.
Enter the url of the site that you want to receive the referrer information and click OK. That site name appears in the left frame of the Advanced Options window.
Click the name of the new site.
Click the Privacy tab.
Check the "Use these rules for..." box.
Change the Referrer from "Block" to "Allow."
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Click OK to close the Options window.

Thanks to Lisa_P at Threadsdev for these!
If you wish to disable all filtering: Click on custom settings and make sure enable privacy is checked. Then click on the Custom Level tab. Under Confidential settings select medium. Under Cookie Blocking select None:Allow Cookies. Do not place a check mark next to Enable Browser Privacy. Place a check mark next to Enable Secure Connections (https). Click OK and you're all set. Thanks Bob P.!

Additional Information:
Check your local computer's clock settings. If it is inaccurate, please reset it to your current local time, clear out your browser cache, clear out any cookies set by the site, and try again.

If you are using a cable modem, please contact your cable modem provider to discuss the page cache that they may be running on the system. Be prepared to use an alternate provider (dial up) as a test of the page cache if they are indeed running one. Many hosts with cache systems claim that they are 'transparent' when that is not the case.

Also know that many large ISPs around the country will run cache servers that only clear out at scheduled intervals. This can affect performance regionally and make content fail to show up correctly for your users in these areas where the cache has not cleared for a while.

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