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predictor owners


New member
anyone running any weight in the nose of there predictor?past owner had 100 lbs of shot lead in the nose of mine and we took it out had the bounce up and down in the nose we put it back in and it helped a little to hold it down a bit.i would rather have it out because lost 3mph.just wondering if other owners have had same problem.looking at set back 6in jackplate?the bounce is kind of cool but when your on it you want it to run out flat.thanks.
Mine sits really low in the back (Merc V6 and a jackplate) so I put a 50 lb bag of concrete in the front to make it sit a little more level when not running. It also helped out a bit with the bounce. Of course, I haven't driven it in a couple of years because I need to put a floor in it.
I had a predictor at one point. Had the same problem with only a 90 in line 6 merc. I put a set of transom wedges on to avoid adding weight to the front. That seemed to help as I could run with a more trim down angle when just cruising.
I just had my new to me Predictor in the water this past weekend for the first time. 90 inline Merc. Porpoises until 35mph then planes out nice. Like on a rail up to 46 mph GPS. Motor trim all the way down, no weight in the front. Gonna try 50lbs up front this coming weekend. This is with a bimini folded and sticking up there.
Just back from the lake. Put two 31lbs bags of sand up front. Huge difference. Porpoising, is that a word? Went away about 25mph instead of 35 mph as before. Bow doesn't rise as much in the hole shot. Did lose about 4mph top end. Spent a lot more time just cruising and enjoying ourselves. Good trade off when with the wife. Easy to pull the sand bags out and take off the bimini. On a side note, seems to trailer a little better with a touch more tongue weight.