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Professional Detailing Advice


Well Bill, thanks for the information!
I talked to my local Checkmate dealer today and booked my Pulsare's appointment. I do not want my Pulsare's gel coat to deteriorate like my Sportfire's did.
They are going to do the sanding/leveling and polishing/waxing just like you suggested. They even do the trailer/motor and complete interior. You had mentioned $17/ft at sometime...I know prices vary wherever you live...these guys are doing it all for $400. Seems pretty fair I guess. They tell me I will not recognize my boat after...I can not wait to see it. They will take it out of storage in mid April, get it running, do some spring maintenance and then polish.

We are still dealing with winter in Ottawa (I do not mind...still a few weeks left to kick the crap out of my Ski-Doo) but my boat will be ready for the end of April. I can not wait to go waterskiing!!

Thanks again for the advice...I will take a picture after the detailing is done and post it.

I feel the need for speed!
Oh that is pretty simple for me anyways...
Step 1 - Put boat in water.
Step 2 - Add sunshine.
Step 3 - Shed all atire except bikini(her only).
Step 4 - Enjoy!

I love summer!

I feel the need for speed!
I just have one thing to add, shed all atire, including bikini! Now that sounds better...


Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!
Um... Sure... If thats what you say... I WISH...


Checkmates may not be the fastest boats on the water, but they are the nicest looking!