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prop for my 242

The 22 pitch will "spool" water quicker, getting you out of the hole and on plane quicker. A 25 would really work the boat, hurting out of the hole performance by not building RPM's quick enough and not spooling that water quickly. Check out the chart that Vinny posted on his prop topics showing how the rpms reduced with the speed but the top end was actually hurt. Though it doesn't say, i'd bet the 24 pitch pulled him out of the hole better besides giving him the higher rpm/speed. One of the topics, I believe it was also Vinnys has a link to a prop calculator also. Rick

24 Bravo-----------------26 Bravo
5000---74----------could not pull to 5000

How does August 2nd sound? Checkmate Poker Run, maybe a show n shine before it kicks off, best motor, stereo, gelcoat/graphics, etc. Hmmmmm maybe end it with a band/food? Let me know your thoughts and what events you'd like to see. Rick
