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Prop selection for 1987 24' 454 Alpha Enforcer

I just picked up this boat at the end of this season.I got to take it out once before the cold weather hit.It currently has a 22x137/8 s/s prop w/alpha short shaft outdrive.It ran about 63 mph at about 4400 rpm.If I trimmed it up it didn't make a huge difference in speed.(not like like mylast boat(87 Senator w/454).The Senator would lift up and go! Is this the way these boats react when trimmed? Or do I need a larger diameter prop like a 23or25 Mirage to lift the bow out of the water?Would a set of Gil Headers and a Eldebrock Performer intake be a good addition? Thanks, Erik
I just picked up this boat at the end of this season.I got to take it out once before the cold weather hit.It currently has a 22x137/8 s/s prop w/alpha short shaft outdrive.It ran about 63 mph at about 4400 rpm.If I trimmed it up it didn't make a huge difference in speed.(not like like mylast boat(87 Senator w/454).The Senator would lift up and go! Is this the way these boats react when trimmed? Or do I need a larger diameter prop like a 23or25 Mirage to lift the bow out of the water?Would a set of Gil Headers and a Eldebrock Performer intake be a good addition? Thanks, Erik
Hi Erik,

Erik, just edited this message. I just got off the phone with Tom (Dr.Z) Tom is my business partner, but he's also our Service Manager/performance person. Tom said you should go the other way, try a 21 pitch mirage. He felt this will spool the water up quicker than the 23 giving you a better whole shot. The intake with no carb/ignition curving, plus headers will help some, but no huge gains without going deeper. Try the prop...21 pitch and get that water "spooling" and go from there. Rick


[This message was edited by BayviewRick on December 17, 2002 at 08:51 PM.]