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Slave solenoid or starter issue?


Well-known member
last time I splashed the boat, I noticed a ticking noise while cold starting the boat at the launch. It turns over fine, and fired up after about 10-12 seconds, but the whole time it was turning over it was ticking. once the boat was run and warm, shut it down and restarted and no ticking. Same for the rest of the weekend...:confused:.

I have a feeling it is related to the slave solenoid, does this sound right? All of my connections are clean and tight. If the starter was taking a dump, I would think it would do it regardless of being cold or warm.
Sounds like slave solenoid, which is very common and fairly cheap part to replace. Best way to know for sure would be to jump solenoid when acting up and see if it cranks over ok, or check for power out of the large post with yellow/red wire if you can make it act up (red wire on opposite post will have power all the time). If no 12V when turning key, replace solenoid...if 12V output then check same yellow/red wire at starter as well as the output side of the starter mounted solenoid (short lead on bottom post leading into motor) while turning the key
last time I splashed the boat, I noticed a ticking noise while cold starting the boat at the launch. It turns over fine, and fired up after about 10-12 seconds, but the whole time it was turning over it was ticking. once the boat was run and warm, shut it down and restarted and no ticking. Same for the rest of the weekend...:confused:.

I missed a few key words when I first read the post, LOL. Typically a starter solenoid will CLICK when going out, and usually keep the engine from cranking all together...not tick and still have the motor turn over ok.

Since during cold start you have to crank on it a little longer, possible you have a chipped tooth on flywheel perhaps? just a thought
I missed a few key words when I first read the post, LOL. Typically a starter solenoid will CLICK when going out, and usually keep the engine from cranking all together...not tick and still have the motor turn over ok.

Since during cold start you have to crank on it a little longer, possible you have a chipped tooth on flywheel perhaps? just a thought

Thanks! This is what makes me think it is the slave solenoid. If a tooth was chipped/missing on the flywheel, it would click all of the time wouldn't it? Just going to have to test the system like you mentioned above and go from there...:thumb: