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The Parts Department


Staff member
Hey Gang!

I've updated the description and name of the Parts Bin forum.

Originally, the intention of the forum was to provide a place for members to list items they needed, or wanted to sell to their fellow members. Quite frankly, the forum hasn't really been used very much. So, I thought I would broaden its focus just a little bit.

What I want the forum to become, is more of a resource for members looking for marine parts and suppliers. From time to time, I've noticed that members want to relate information on suppliers they have had success using but there really isn't a forum for them to do so. And also, people are sometimes looking for a place to ask where they can find a particular part, whether it be a ski bar or whatever.

So this will be the new place to do that now. If you find an online supplier that provides marine related items which you think your fellow members may be interested in. Please post the hyperlink, phone number contact info etc. in this forum for your fellow members. You can also use this forum for providing your fellow members with feedback about suppliers you have had experience with. Or alternatively, you can ask your fellow members for feedback about a particular supplier you are considering using.

The only thing I ask, is that if you are going to be critical of someone's business, please be fair in your assessment. That means provide the complete details about what transpired so people can judge for themselves as to whether they should avoid a particular supplier or not. Let's all try to remember, no business or individual for that matter is perfect, and many times the test is really in how a mistake or problem is dealt with. Not in the fact it happened.

If we feel someone is being unfair in an assesment, or has alterior motives, we may edit or delete comments if we feel it is deemed appropriate. I trust that won't be necessary!

I hope the revamped forum becomes a helpful resource for everyone. :thumb:



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