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This Saturday 6-27 Saginaw River!


Well-known member
I'm hoping to take a run up the river this Saturday to Bay City at least- probably not into the bay in my dinghy!

Anyone else interested?????
I wish i could!!! :mad:

i am currently boatless, unless i magically get my lower unit back together for the predictor in the meantime..

and the senator project is not moving as fast as i would like..
Well, I may need a co-pilot, so if you don't have your own boat available that may be an option. Mine's nothing like your rocket though!
Sounds like you are in the same boat as me Buss.....projects moving slow. I may be firing it Sunday Or Monday though....Stay Tuned! Just got my cam, composite, distributor gear, and power trim cylinders today....let the building begin.
Supposed to be a great looking day, and river roar is going on...

Anything I need to be on the lookout for? My first time on the Saginaw.
Supposed to be a great looking day, and river roar is going on...

Anything I need to be on the lookout for? My first time on the Saginaw.
By Saturday all the trash that was in the river on Wednesday should be gone!
We were on the river wednesday morning and their was quite a lot of sticks & longs you had to dodge on our way out to the bay.

Now the bay was sweet, no chop or waves at all.

Hope you have a good time:thumb:
So did anyone else make it to the Saginaw river?
I was on it from about 5pm to 8pm, saw 4 mates and I think I saw one tied up at the Kingfish around 7pm.

The bay was great too!
I was out between Saginaw and the Middle grounds from about 1 until 7 or so. Had a great time. It is rare for me to go past the south end of the middle grounds, the no wake zones drive me crazy. Was a nice day and the swimming was great.:cheers:

Yes it does take some time to travel the no wake zone, about a 1/2 hour or so :irked: but we like to go and run out on the bay if the conditions permit us to do so.

Maybe I'll see ya on the water some weekend, I need to post a pic in my sig so people know who I am when they see me out there.
With a lighter boat any amount of chop in the Bay and you cant go fast. If I were to go over to Boaters Beach, thats one thing, but to go to the Bay and plan on cruising at a good speed, I get too beat up by the chop.
There are lots of people in this area that wet their pants about the Bay, thats because they either have a small slow boat, or something big enough to run in that water.

TLB, I will let you know when we are going to make it out again, maybe this Friday and most likley Saturday. My boat is easy to spot.
Ha Haaaaaaa you are in the river!!!!!!!!!

Is that the dog that chased that girl all around?

MAN I wish i was there!
I was wondering if anyone actually swam in the river- guess that answers that question!

I was out on Saturday from about 9:45 to 1, and had a blast. I got to see some of the boat racing, but none of the main events. We were able to sneak in to Hooters for lunch while they opened the river up. Ran into a girl who owned a blue/silver metalflake Diplomat (I assume it was a Diplomat, it was I/O) who had WAY too many people onboard. Didn't mention the board here, but I'm sure she'd make the first woman around...
I should have ventured a little south of the Z bridge launch, but I wasn't sure how soon the no wake zones started so I just stayed north. Does anyone actually putt past the marina before Bay City? That's annoying! I just slowed down to about 20 and figured the minuscule wake I was making would get me by.