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trim location

paul colley

New member
what is the best way to have the motor trimmed on a 90 hp outboard to get the best speed. should i start with the motor trimmed all the way down or up, and should i change the trim as I go?
what is the best way to have the motor trimmed on a 90 hp outboard to get the best speed. should i start with the motor trimmed all the way down or up, and should i change the trim as I go?
Start with the motor trimmed all the way down and trim up as speed increases . You'll know when it's trimmed up too far when the prop ventilates . Trim slowly , a little bit at a time . There is a learning curve .
what top speed should i expect on a 17' diplomat with a 90 hp evinrude with a 13 1/4 x 19 prop. with 2 people and full fuel, i get about 38. seems too slow, any suggestions?
put a 21 prop on it. i have one on my predictor. it has a 115. it will run 53 on the speedo with two people. the 21 prop will take a lil longer to plane but you will have more top end. i gained about 7 mph by going from a 19 to a 21.