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Trim Tabs


Looking to find out some info on trim tabs. I have an 84 enchanter, with a outboard, need to know if I add trim tabs if it will add any speed, I have no problem with bow lift, but it gets hard to handle after so much speed and trim, I know that the tabs will help with handling but I don't need to lose speed, any sugestions. Thanks
Looking to find out some info on trim tabs. I have an 84 enchanter, with a outboard, need to know if I add trim tabs if it will add any speed, I have no problem with bow lift, but it gets hard to handle after so much speed and trim, I know that the tabs will help with handling but I don't need to lose speed, any sugestions. Thanks
While tabs will greatly help the ride characteristics of the boat, especially in rougher water, they WILL most definetly scrub some speed off. On the other hand, if you have reached your boats max potential with your current set-up, but feel there is more power there but can't use it due to instability, then tabs might add some speed. In this case, tabs might allow you to achieve optimum trim and speed while maitaining stability and comfort.
vinny thanks for the info, the boat was topped out for this year , but only because of the prop, next year i will have it propped better, were i can really get some speed out of it. It walks alittle right now, and i think if i fool around with the jack plate i might have even more problems especially, with a bigger wheel.Do you know any good custom prop manu., i am looking.
Like has been said, they will definitely hurt speed if they are adjusted down any (& they aren't doing much if they aren't). If the boat doesn't have any setback, that would be a good place to start (factory personnel also note that it helps with high speed handling). The idea is to carry the bow without using a lot of positive trim. Mine has 8" and could use more (the weight of your engine impacts how much leverage it needs to lift the bow). Also raising the engine until the propshaft is 2-3" below the pad will help as will solid mounts. First and foremost is to having a properly adjusted steering system without play. Good Luck
ncst8er, I have pro hydraulic steering with a 4 turn to block stop, I also have a 6"jack plate , and the prop shaft is located were you specified. The motor has factory installed stiff mounts. I see what you are saying about the weight of the motor. I don't want to lose any speed, if the trim tabs will make me lose speed I will have to deal with the way it handles, unless you know any others ways to make the boat less jumpy.
I have a '99 259 Convincor with a slightly worked 454 Magnum. I am running a labbed 26" Bravo 1. I feel that this prop is real close to ideal for me.
I wasen't thinking for me because I run a totaly diff. setup, but for my friend, he is looking for a good speed, but an all round good prop. Your boat is still bigger than his is thought.How is the hole shot with the lab work done to the prop?
I am installing a set of tabs on my 84 enchanter this winter, I can let you know how they work out early this spring.
What kind of speeds are you getting out of that big Evenrude? It's a sweet looking boat.
F150GT, close to 80, if not over.The speedo reads over by alot, but the gps don't lie. Thanks it is a sweat boat, I almost sold it, I don't know what I was thinking.Let me know how you make out with the trim tabs.
Unfortunaetly I havent had much time, working a lot of O/T. I should find some time after the holidays.
80+, COOL I new the boat is capable of the speeds, just need the horse power.
F150GT, Horsepower is everything, the more you throw at it the, more fun your going to have.80+ is if you can hang on to it, I gave a friend for a ride and he was in the back seat, and well I don't think he will be riding with me anymore.Looking for about 85 if that can be done, I need to go two prop pitches bigger to knock the R's down 400 rev.s. That should pick up some. I ran a 4 blade about about 75+ because I don't want to over rev the beast. Should be fun next year. Let know how the trim tabs work out.