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Vinyl Cleaners?


Staff member
We've often discussed what kind of waxes are best. But what about for cleaning, restoring and protecting the seats and vinyl?

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Hey Chris, I use Meguires vinyl cleaner. What ever anyone does, do not use Armour All. I will break down the U.V. Inhibitors in the seats and cause pre-mature ageing. Also, you can mix your favourite boat soap with warm water and a soft brush.

2003 ZT 240 6.2litre/Bravo 320 H.P. 25P Mirage Plus
My seats are discolored on top. They are teal blue on the top sections, have a black stripe in the middle and white on the bottom portion. Unfortunately the teal part are discolored and starting to crack in places.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
Sorry to hear Chris, sounds like time to re-cover the seats at the end of the up-coming season.
I have already ruined the bottom of my bolster, when I was out last sun, I got my shorts wet in the water, then sat in the bolster to go to a different part of the river and the dye bled. Needless to say, Checkmate will get it at the end of the season to re-cover.

2003 ZT 240 6.2litre/Bravo 320 H.P. 25P Mirage Plus
For you guys with lighter colored vinyls that are stained or discolored by mildew.
Try the mildew remover sprays that are available. They'll get out the stains and will really spruce up a dirty looking interior.
I'm wondering if I can just get someone to repair the blue part. Perhaps remove the covers and sew new teal material onto the existing seat covers. Dunno...

If they can't I'll probably do it in sections.

Checkmate-Boats.com-The Fanatics Home!
I am sure they can, but it might be more cost effective to do the whole seat because of the labor to seperate each coloe ank keep it in tact, then rebuild the scheme. Just a thought.

2003 ZT 240 6.2litre/Bravo 320 H.P. 25P Mirage Plus
I am sure they can, but it might be more cost effective to do the whole seat because of the labor to seperate each coloe ank keep it in tact, then rebuild the scheme. Just a thought.

2003 ZT 240 6.2litre/Bravo 320 H.P. 25P Mirage Plus