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Recent content by bostoncan

  1. bostoncan

    My new Pulsare 2100

    Nice looking graphics, clean timeless look , it will look as sharp 20 years from now. keep the pics coming as you progress.
  2. bostoncan

    Checkmate Brochures for sale.

    Coop, brochure arrived yesterday . Thanks for the extras, haven't viewed the disc yet. Thanks Scott
  3. bostoncan

    Checkmate Brochures for sale.

    Coop, haven't seen mine yet, even Airmail can take a month.......Scott
  4. bostoncan

    I'm MrsCooperider

    Welcome and Happy Anniversary
  5. bostoncan

    Anyone using a Garmin 60C GPS ?

    been using the 60c for a couple of years . down loaded the marine charts and Canada and US road maps.Great handheld but if I could do it again I would buy the bigger model (276 I think). The screen is too small for the marine maps and I would like a bigger screen for the truck.Easier to...
  6. bostoncan

    Checkmate Brochures for sale.

    Coop, Ill send you a Paypal.Thanks Scott
  7. bostoncan

    Bottom paint removal.

    West Marine sells a product called Peel Away paint stripper for bottom paint. I used it ,then pressure washed,then polished with Aqua polishes took a few days but looks like new..........Never again will I buy a boat with bottom paint
  8. bostoncan

    Checkmate Brochures for sale.

    coop , sent you a PM.
  9. bostoncan

    The Ideal Starflite Prop!

    Did the Tro4 come polished for that price ? checked Pitstop it doesnt say if its the polished one.
  10. bostoncan

    The Ideal Starflite Prop!

    Not shaking.. but it has more vibration for sure. Aaron is your trophy a plus? Can you PM me if you know of any Trophy 25p for sale around the NW( priced reasonably)
  11. bostoncan

    The Ideal Starflite Prop!

    I see its larger in dia than a trophy so its good on a jack plate, Where and how much for a Powertech TR04 ?. I can certainly say these Tempest prop are not for me ,still on my boat until I find a 25 trophy or maybe on of these.
  12. bostoncan

    Starflite Prop Mess

    wickedrister, have you tried a Merc high five? I had one on my 14' cobra/ 140 mercury and loved it . stuck like glue and unreal acceleration out of the hole.best allround prop i could find for that boat.
  13. bostoncan

    Starflite Prop Mess

    Im running a25p tempest plus,I tried a merc revolution 4 23p, wow was the boat smooth and vibration free and rode like it was on rails compared to the tempest plus. My hole shot with the rev 4 was lousy but believe it or not the 4 blade was 1.5 mph faster (gps). I will keep trying 4 blades(...
  14. bostoncan

    Starflite bow cover

    best thing to use is a material called Sunbrella,you can by it almost anywhere. you will need a good sewing machine, some backing material , snaps. maybe someone could post a picture of the back side or go visit any dealer a get an idea houw to do it.
  15. bostoncan

    Optimax 175 2004...Help!!

    If that motor has any warranty ,do not start pulling things apart that you are not familier with . It could cost you $$ big time.it is an Opti and buy yourself a factory Merc manual so you can read up on how it works.