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Recent content by ChuckB

  1. ChuckB

    BRX 2400 500R Repower

    Beautiful setup Mr Petro 👍. I may consider upgrading to the 500 but would first want to add some more stability to the transom like you did James. I will dig back through the threads to see what you did.
  2. ChuckB

    Reporting in on my 2400

    Yo Candace! Been way too long since the Chesapeake Checkmate awesome times. Great to see your still having 👍
  3. ChuckB

    Reporting in on my 2400

    Having a little 😊
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  5. ChuckB

    Reporting in on my 2400

    Looks awesome down there in the keys! I'm in North Wildwood NJ and doing some boating on the 2800 today with my buddy Kris aka Knarloid👍
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  9. ChuckB

    Reporting in on my 2400

    I have not been on here in too long! It's great to see all your mods. Looks incredible 👍 I still run the 2400 and the 2800 but haven't done much to them. Great to hear you guys and the Checkmates are doing good!
  10. ChuckB

    July 2019's Boat of the Month Nominations

    5 Twin O/B Checkmates in NJ 5 vintage twin O/B Checkmates traveling from Sea Isle City NJ to OC MD
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    5 twin checkmates in SIC NJ.jpeg

  12. ChuckB

    February 2019's Boat of the Month Nominations!

    2800SX During AC Poker Run 1985 completely restored 2800SX with twin 350Hp Verados
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    2800sx poker run big air.jpg

  14. ChuckB

    West Palm Beach Area Vaca 4/23 - 4/28

    Much thanks for the feedback guys:bigthumb: I'm probably going with the Margaritaville place because we can get the best of both worlds from inter coastal to beach action. It's pricey but you sometimes gotta do what you gotta do. I'm definitely looking forward to getting together and will...