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Recent content by jjg

  1. jjg

    2025 2400 BRX Video

    Now if that were an option, it would be worth every penny they are asking.
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  3. jjg

    2025 2400 BRX Video

    The 500 doesn't weigh much more than our 400’s. My guess is the setback, as you know the difference you experienced when you reduced yours. They are probably trying to solve for that with those huge tabs. But at 60+, that part of the hull isn't in the water anyway. So maybe they help for low...
  4. jjg

    2025 2400 BRX Video

    One thing for sure that you can see without much effort is paint. And whats up with those K-planes? Looks as useful as a pickup with some of that “Carolina squat”! 😂🤣😂
  5. jjg


    A trophy is way too small for all of the 300+ hp 4 strokes, especially on these 2400’s. My tempest does give me the best top end but is useless for anything else. My Bravo FS is the best all around prop for my setup. Currently seeing 80 with the FS, since I installed all the USP intake mods. I...
  6. jjg

    Checkmate back according to their facebook page!

    Im curious what the warranty is on these boats? The way Caldwell treated a customer boat that was brand new and almost sunk on its maiden voyage, and refused to honor any warranty. I sure hope for $150k its not an "as is" at your own risk sale.
  7. jjg

    450R vs. 2.6L 400R for Pulsare 2400

    This attached article sheds some light on what went into the design and engineering of the L6 Verado. Knowing it has some Porsche engineering prowess also helps. But one thing stands out. The L6 design started and finished with forced induction. The V8’s started as N/A and migrated to forced...
  8. jjg

    Current Caldwell Checkmate production

    Ask Pete if he is giving a discount for the in gel graphics delete and the piss poor fit & finish quality.
  9. jjg


    For the props you're running, more testing the better, for the price point on those wheels. Nice work!!
  10. jjg


    Congrats Bill !! Glad to see the old girl is still nice and frisky 🤟🤟
  11. jjg

    Hope to buy a new or used Pulsare 2400 BRX

    Pic of the knees and stern looking forward to show the tie in to the stringers. I have pics of the in gel graphics being taped and sprayed, in case caldwell needs some training material. I have complete progress build pics. Im thinking with that kind of providénce I could get even more $$$ than...
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  14. jjg

    Hope to buy a new or used Pulsare 2400 BRX

    Balsa is wood? Really? I thought it was a space age material. 🙄 And the starboard side flake stripe, looks like a f’d up mess!! I can see why they gave up on in gel graphics, amateurs to say the least! Better get Maaco!!
  15. jjg

    Hope to buy a new or used Pulsare 2400 BRX

    The knee design was updated in 2014 when my model was built. Rigging was always good during the Hustler ownership days and should be expected, theres nothing special with that statement. And word on the street says overall quality and fit & finish is horrible, according to the dealer in FL that...