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Recent content by Repeteoffender

  1. R


    Yes alpha! 19 pitch Quicksilver and 55mph not sure of rpm Want to see what top speed is.
  2. R


    Any vision owners out there? Got 350 mag with a carb. Do I go with 21p 22p 23p? Also where can I find it with a reasonable price tag? Thanx
  3. R

    " For Sale" Checkmate Vision 221

    1990 checkmate vision 221 powered by 5.7 liter 350 magnum. 318 hours matching custom tandom axle C- Hawk bunk trailer with surge brakes and mag wheels.Seats, viny, and sun pad are in excellent condition.Accessories include two anchors with lines,new bumpers, dock lines, several pfd's,cockpit...
  4. R

    Vision factory brochure

    Nathan, yeah don't see much on eBay right now and Kip at the factory is trying to locate one!
  5. R

    Vision factory brochure

    Attention fellow checkmaters,I am in search of a 1990 vision factory brochure can any one point me in the right direction.Thanks
  6. R

    Checkmate vision

    Christo, I love this forum, as well as the very helpful fellow checkmate owners. You feel that my 350 mag should turn a 21 or 22.? The intent is to get some top end without having to spend a ton on engine mods. Would you recommend a mirage?
  7. R

    Checkmate vision

    Thanks it looks really nice!If you would like post your number I would love to talk you about the boats.
  8. R

    Checkmate vision

    Just brought the boat out this morning on Sebago Lake.And with a full tank of gas and no trim we got to 50mph with two adults.we are going to play with the props first and you recommend a 22p.To try to make our mark of 60,65 mph.Dont want to put a whole lot of money in it so we will see what we...
  9. R

    Checkmate vision

    Kurt,was anticipating what you had to say about this boat because you own one.What prop did you find to work out the best on top end?I would like to do some engine mods is there anything else you would recommend? Oh and thanks for all the kind words.
  10. R

    Checkmate vision

    also thanks for your input
  11. R

    Checkmate vision

    Thanks for posting the pics I have no idea how to get them on there
  12. R

    Checkmate vision

    Yes I live in Maine 1900 miles in two days.She's a beauty ain't she.Even better now that I have been spit shinning it for a week.
  13. R

    Checkmate vision

    Thanks corey331 for your comments this is my first Checkmate what prop make and pitch do you recommend?
  14. R

    Checkmate vision

    I just bought a 1990 Checkmate vision 221 with a 350 mag 270hp what can I expect to get out of this boat with a Quicksilver 3 blade 19p stainless prop.Is there any light mods I can do to get more speed.Thanks
  15. R

    Checkmate vision 221

    I just bought a 1990 Checkmate vision 221 with a 350 mag 270hp what can I expect to get out of this boat with a Quicksilver 3 blade 19p stainless prop.Is there any light mods I can do to get more speed.Thanks